The winner of Taiwan’s presidential election says voters have shown the world “how much we cherish democracy” after his party, which champions autonomy from China, secured a third term.

Lai Ching-te, the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), is set to replace Tsai Ing-wen, who has served the limit of two terms.

It is the first time a party has won a third term under Taiwan’s current electoral system.

Voters cast their ballots in the presidential and parliamentary election on Saturday after a campaign overshadowed by tensions with China, which claims the territory as its own.

China, which has been ramping up military pressure on Taipei and described the contest as a choice between war and peace, said it will not give up on “reunification” following the results.

The DPP does not acknowledge the “one China principle” in which territories like Taiwan and Hong Kong are deemed part of greater China and is in favour of maintaining the status quo in Taiwan.

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Taiwan ‘will not look backwards’

Determination ‘as firm as rock’

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office did not mention Mr Lai by name following his victory but said the results show the DPP “cannot represent the mainstream public opinion” on the island.

“Our stance on resolving the Taiwan question and realising national reunification remains consistent, and our determination is as firm as rock,” it said.

But the statement said China will work with “relevant political parties, groups and people” from Taiwan and “advance the peaceful development of cross-strait relations as well as the cause of national reunification”.

The US congratulated Mr Lai on his victory and US secretary of state Antony Blinken said the country will work with Taiwan to further the long-standing unofficial relationship consistent with the US’s “One China” policy.

President Joe Biden said “we do not support independence” when asked for his reaction to the results.

Taiwan’s ‘vibrant democracy’

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said the elections “are testament to Taiwan’s vibrant democracy,” adding: “I hope that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will renew efforts to resolve differences peacefully through constructive dialogue, without the threat or use of force or coercion.”

Mr Lai, currently the vice president, said Taiwan has shown the world “how much we cherish democracy” after the election results came in.

He added that the self-governed island will “walk side by side with democracies around the world”.

Mr Lai also said that Taiwan’s people “successfully resisted efforts from external forces to influence this election”.

Lai Ching-te celebrates his victory. Pic: AP
Lai Ching-te celebrates his victory. Pic: AP

Lai Ching-te greets supporters in New Taipei City after winning the election
Lai Ching-te greets supporters in New Taipei City after winning the election

The DPP did not secure a parliamentary majority, with the president-elect saying he will “bring in talent from different political parties”.

He added that he has the “important responsibility to maintain peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait.

Mr Lai went on to say he is “determined to safeguard Taiwan from threats and intimidation from China” and will use “dialogue to replace confrontation”.

He added he is “willing to talk to China on the basis of dignity and parity”.

Read more:
The election that could shake the world

Mr Lai’s victory is the most provoking outcome for Beijing

Mr Lai and his DPP party have made history.

This is the first time ever, in Taiwan’s nearly 30-year-old democracy, that the same party has won three consecutive terms.

And it’s absolutely significant that they have done so while constantly standing on a platform of standing up to China.

Indeed, Lai has consistently characterised this campaign as a choice between “democracy and autocracy”.

Even at the polls today while casting his ballot, he made sure to emphasise that Taiwan’s democratic process has been “hard-won” and “should be cherished”.

It is a message that has clearly resonated.

Read the full analysis

Second in the election was Hou Yu-ih, from the Nationalist, or Kuomintang party (KMT), which is in favour of closer ties with China.

Ko Wen-je, from the smaller Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), which has engaged less in the China question and framed its campaign around domestic issues, finished third.

‘Every vote is valued’

Speaking to reporters in the southern city of Tainan before voting, Mr Lai encouraged people to cast their ballots.

“Every vote is valued, as this is Taiwan’s hard-earned democracy,” he said in brief remarks.

Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said after Mr Lai’s victory that Moscow continues to see Taiwan as a part of China.

In the run-up to the election, China repeatedly denounced Mr Lai as a dangerous separatist and rebuffed his repeated calls for talks.

Mr Lai's supporters during in the capital Taipei the election count
Mr Lai’s supporters in the capital Taipei during the election count

DPP supporters awaiting the result
DPP supporters awaiting the result

Mr Lai has made explicitly pro-independence statements in the past, which is why he is deemed troublesome by China.

Meanwhile, two Chinese balloons were detected crossing the Taiwan Strait in the previous 24 hours, according to Taiwan’s defence ministry on Saturday.

One of the objects flew over Taiwan. It was the latest in a spate of balloon sightings which the ministry has reported.

Apart from tensions with China, the election largely hinged on domestic issues, such as a slowing economy, housing affordability, a big gap between rich and poor, and unemployment.