More than three-quarters of all blockchain games launched in the last five years are dead in the water,

CryptoKitties was one of the first Web3 games that gathered hype in late 2017, but its adoption has since fizzled out. Decentraland, The Sandbox and Axie Infinity are among other Web3 games that have launched in the earlier years and are still widely used today.

Per recent data, Alien Worlds, Splinterlands and Planet IX had the three highest average unique active wallets used between Jan. 1 and Apr. 22, 2023, according to CoinGecko.

While 2022 had the highest number of failed games, 2023 has slowed the trend, with only 507 failed projects as of Nov. 27.

“The lower failure rate could perhaps indicate a stabilization in the state of web3 gaming,” CoinGecko said.

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