The global temperature is set to break a key temperature limit for the first time within the next five years, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has warned.

There is now a 66% chance of breaching a global average temperature 1.5C at least once between now and 2027 – which would mark the first time in human history.

Almost every country in the world has committed to trying to limit warming to ideally only 1.5C above levels in pre-industrial times.

Nations did this when they signed the historic Paris climate agreement at the COP21 climate conference, in a bid to keep the dangerous impacts of climate change, like floods, rising sea levels and droughts, more manageable.

Breaching 1.5C, while alarming, would not mean the world had permanently surpassed the threshold, scientists stress.

A crumbling 1.5C target could embolden big polluters

Hannah Thomas-Peter

Climate change and energy correspondent


Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, the climate change narrative has focused on efforts to limit warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures.

At successive UN climate summits, the language may have shifted a little, from keeping it within reach to keeping it alive, to not letting it die – but 1.5C has been a hugely symbolic center of gravity around which the vast majority of discussions have rotated.

Now, for the first time, scientists say it is more likely that not that this barrier will be breached in the coming five years.

They have stressed that this is worrying but temporary and that the temperature could be brought down over the long term by a sharp decrease in emissions.

But this is the kind of moment that keeps those engaged in the battle against climate change up at night.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to policymakers and climate diplomats fighting to keep consensus in a warming world, is that this hard-fought shared goal, a rare common value, starts to crumble.

If the international community starts to believe that 1.5 is gone, there will be space for big polluters, national and commercial, to wriggle away from obligations and to slow progress, at a time when the planet can least afford it.

The global average temperature would need to exceed 1.5C many more times before the climate can be said to have permanently warmed to that level.

But it is a sign the world is getting closer, and that humanity’s attempt to reign in climate change, which is caused primarily by burning fossil fuels, may have been too small and too slow.

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Dr Leon Hermanson of the Met Office Hadley Centre, one of the experts who led the report, said: “We have never crossed 1.5C. The current record is 1.28C.

“It’s very likely we’re going to exceed that, we might even reach 1.5C – it’s more likely than not that we will.”

Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said: “This report must be a rallying cry to intensify global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.”

He said every “tenth of a degree of warming we can avoid will reduce the chances of extreme weather across the world and its human cost”.

There is only a 32% chance that the five-year mean average will exceed the 1.5C threshold.

The world has already warmed by around 1.1C at least.

The WMO also said there is a 98% chance of the hottest year on record being broken during that time.

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Dr Hermanson said the record will likely come from a combination of greenhouse gases and a naturally-occurring weather event known as El Nino, which is a heating of the eastern Pacific which affects rainfall and temperatures globally.

The WMO said that its opposite – La Nina – has been cooling atmospheric temperatures for much of the last three years, but this has now ended.

Usually, El Nino raises global temperatures the year after it develops. So scientists are expecting temperatures to rise in 2024.

What is El Nino and how does it impact our weather?

El Nino is a naturally-occurring weather phenomenon which sees the temperature rise in the eastern Pacific Ocean – setting off a chain reaction which impacts heat and rainfall across the globe.

A major El Nino event occurs every three to seven years and can last several months at a time.

Typically, temperatures rise a year after El Nino develops – meaning scientists are expecting an increase in 2024.

While El Nino represents a rise in heat, its opposite, La Nina, brings a cooling effect, with temperatures usually increasing or falling by around three degrees.

The knock-on effects of both El Nino, which often peaks during December, and La Nina can take some time to impact the rest of the world.

El Nino can mean summers in the UK are hotter and drier – while La Nina typically brings more rainfall.

During El Nino winters, northern Europe can be colder and drier, while southern Europe experiences more rainfall.

Scientific understanding of both weather phenomena is constantly evolving.

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The WMO general secretary Professor Petteri Taalas said: “A warming El Nino is expected to develop in the coming months and this will combine with human-induced climate change to push global temperatures into uncharted territory.

“This will have far-reaching repercussions for health, food security, water management and the environment. We need to be prepared.”

The United Nation’s climate science body the IPCC has said every increment of warming brings more damage to people and wildlife – it’s not a cliff edge at 1.5C, but a more desirable threshold.

Current plans to reduce greenhouse gases put the world on course for around 2.4C of warming by the end of this century, according to a leading climate consortium, Climate Action Tracker.

Watch The Climate Show with Tom Heap on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm and 7.30pm on Sky News, on the Sky News website and app, and on YouTube and Twitter.

The show investigates how global warming is changing our landscape and highlights solutions to the crisis.