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May 2, 2023

With presidential candidates looking to make their abortion positions clear in the ever-complex post-Roe era, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) expected to officially announce his candidacy later this month told CBN’s Faithwire he has a “100% pro-life voting record” and gave his take on the government’s role.

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“We cannot miss the fact that life has intrinsic value, because it comes from God,” Scott recently told CBN’s Faithwire. “I have a 100% pro-life voting record, and I’m a 100% pro-life conservative.”

Rather than skirt the question or speak in generalities, the senator also gave finer details surrounding how he would handle the abortion issue as president.

“If I were president of the United States, I would sign the most positive, conservative, pro-life piece of legislation I could get to my desk,” Scott said. “And what I would say is that it would be impossible for that legislation to get to my desk without us first winning the hearts and minds of the American people.”

He said it’s essential to limit how far the “radical left can go with the issue of abortion,” pushing for a limit on how deep into pregnancy abortions could unfold.

“I would limit abortions to no more than 15 weeks,” he said, noting this is where he would begin. “And I would hope that by winning the hearts and minds of the American people, that we would have a different conversation about the culture of life and preserving life even better. But until we win those hearts of minds, we won’t win the argument. We won’t have the votes, but we have to start somewhere.”

Watch Scott’s comments on abortion:

Scott’s abortion stance comes after fellow Republicans seeking the White House found themselves under fire recently for their own takes on how to handle the issue an topic sparking renewed emotions after the Supreme Court returned abortion to the states with the Dobbs ruling last year.

Some recently panned former President Donald Trump for stating the Supreme Court got it right when the justices overturned Roe v. Wade and ruled abortion is a state issue; critics presumed this meant he would take no federal action on the matter.

A week later, Trump said he was exploring different options about handling abortion, presumably remaining open to the potential 15-week ban some candidates support.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who some suspect will run for president, later said he disagreed with Trump’s initial comments and sees opportunities for the federal government to further protect life. 

Weve been given a new beginning for life in this country, Pence said. I think we have an opportunity to advance the sanctity of life, move it ever closer to the center of American law.

And former ambassador to the United Nations and ex-governor of South Caroline Nikki Haley also recently made headlines when she delivered a speech at SBA Pro-Life America headquarters in Virginia, and said she aims to find consensus on the abortion issue.

“No Republican president will have the ability to ban abortion nationwide,” the 2024 Republican presidential contender said. “We have to face this reality. The pro-life laws that have passed in strongly Republican states will not be approved at the federal level.”

Haley continued, “I do believe there is a federal role on abortion. Whether we can save more lives nationally depends entirely on doing what no one has done to date finding consensus. Thats what I will strive to do.”

The former governor didn’t indicate where she stands on the 15-week abortion ban, though the topic is sure to be a major fixture during the 2024 campaign.

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