The wife of a dual British-Russian citizen jailed for treason says she is “terrified for his life” but will “fight for him for as long as it takes”.

Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza was jailed on Monday for 25 years after a Moscow court convicted him of treason and other offences – charges he denies.

His wife, Evgenia Kara-Murza, told Sky News: “I know what my husband is fighting for.

“Believe me, I’m terrified for his life and I know that our kids are terrified for their father, but I understand what he’s fighting for and I’ll do everything I can to raise awareness about what is happening in Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine.

“I want to do everything I can to show the world that there’s a very close connection between internal repression and external aggression – they go hand in hand.”

Speaking from the US, Mrs Kara-Murza said she had not been surprised by the severity of her husband’s sentence, as he had been portrayed by the Russian government “as a traitor…seen as a personal enemy (who) needs to be locked up for quarter of a century to stop him continuing with his work”.

Mr Kara-Murza, 41, is a father of three and former journalist who was once deputy leader of the opposition group People’s Freedom Party.

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He is the vice chairman of the pro-democracy and human rights group Open Russia and his supporters say he has already survived poisoning attempts in 2015 and 2017, although Russian authorities have denied any involvement in these.

‘I am married to an incredible man’

Mrs Kara-Murza told Sky News that she was “holding up” following his jail sentence “because I am married to an incredible man, I know that.

“He has my utmost respect and admiration and I will fight for him for as long as it takes.

“I will fight for my kids’ father and I will do everything I can to bring him home to them.”

‘Extreme level of repression’

But, despite what had happened to her husband and the “extreme level of repression” being used against Russians, she insisted change was possible.

“I know what my husband is fighting for, I know how important it is to him and to many Russians to see a different Russia.

“I know that he believes we deserve better and I complete agree with him, and I share his conviction that this is possible – a different Russia is possible.

‘A different Russia’

“It’s just that we need to work to do everything we can to bring close the day this regime collapses, and we get a chance to build that different Russia.”

Read more:
Russian opposition leader jailed for 25 years after treason conviction
Could Putin be using the war in Ukraine to annex Belarus by stealth?
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She added: “As long as there is an authoritarian and totalitarian regime in the country, Russia will continue being a threat to itself and its neighbours.

“The only way for Russia to stop being a threat to everyone is for it to become a democracy. In order for that to happen, Putin’s power needs to collapse.”

She called on supporters to back the work of journalists, human rights activists and the lawyers representing them, saying: “Everything has to be done now to weaken the regime and to create conditions for the Russian population so they realise they can actually change something.”