Protesters have broken barricades near the home of Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem after the Israeli prime minister sacked his defence minister for criticising proposals to overhaul the judiciary.

Yoav Gallant is a senior member of Mr Netanyahu‘s ruling Likud party, but broke ranks as an increasing number of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) reservists have been going on strike in protest at the government’s proposals.

The proposals would see ministers hold more control over the appointments of judges, including in the Supreme Court, while diminishing that body’s ability to veto legislation or rule against the government.

Thousands turned out on Sunday night, as anger still boils after 13 weeks of demonstrations.

Footage showed huge crowds blocking Tel Aviv’s main highway, and protestors lighting a bonfire in the street.

‘I’m really scared for the future’

There have been similarly visceral scenes in Jerusalem.

A water cannon was used on protestors after they broke barricades near Mr Netanyahu’s home in the city.

One of those demonstrating told Sky’s Alistair Bunkall that the proposed overhaul of the judiciary was “damaging the country […] and the unity of the country”.

“I’m really scared for the future of this country,” he said.

Read more:
Is Israel’s democracy on the brink?

Protests are set to continue this week as the right-wing and staunchly conservative government moves to push its proposals through the Knesset, its legislature, with universities announcing a general strike for Monday.

Israel’s police chief said officers would not allow public disturbances and damage to symbols of government.

Netanyahu ‘a threat to security’

Hours after the announcement that Mr Gallant had been fired, Israel’s consul general in New York, Asaf Zamir, quit.

He said it was time for him “to join the fight for Israel’s future”.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted that Mr Netanyahu had become “a threat to the security of the state of Israel”.

Sacked minister remains defiant

Mr Gallant had called for a pause in the legislation until after next month’s Independence Day holidays, citing a threat to Israel’s national security.

On Saturday, he said: “I declare loudly and publicly, for the sake of Israel’s security, for the sake of our sons and daughters, the legislative process should be stopped.

“The victory of a single side, whether it be in the halls of the Knesset [Israeli parliament], or on the streets of our cities, will lead to a loss for the State of Israel.”

Read more:
Defence minister breaking ranks is significant moment

Mr Netanyahu’s office did not provide further details, but his public diplomacy minister said Mr Gallant was told of his sacking after being summoned to the PM’s office.

He was told Mr Netanyahu “doesn’t have any faith in him any more, and therefore he is fired”.

In a statement after his sacking, Mr Gallant said: “The security of the state of Israel has always been and will always remain the mission of my life.”

A replacement for him has not been announced.


This dramatic move isn’t without its risks.

Mr Gallant wasn’t the only one to voice concerns about the protests gripping Israel.

Other senior figures in Israel’s security establishment, including the IDF chief of staff and head of the internal intelligence agency, Shin Bet, have also warned of the corrosive effect the reforms are having on Israel’s security.

Hundreds of Israeli military reservists have gone on strike in protest, threatening the military’s operational capabilities.

By firing Mr Gallant, Mr Netanyahu is effectively siding with the far-right voices in his coalition over the people entrusted with Israel’s security.

The previous defence minister, Benny Gantz, has accused Mr Netanyahu of putting “politics and himself above security”.

The main opposition leader and former prime minister Yaid Lapid has described it as “an act of madness, indicating a complete lack of judgement”.

Mr Gallant said he had tried to raise his concerns in private and had asked for cabinet meetings to talk about a different way forward.

His calls were ignored, and he has now been punished for airing his views in public.

The security situation in the West Bank is as fragile as it has been for decades.

Talk of a Third Intifada (uprising) has been increasing and the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, just a few days old, is being seen as a crucial moment.

Removing the defence minister, at this point in time, is a big call.

Mr Gallant was supported by three other politicians from Mr Netanyahu’s party when he spoke out last night.

His firing might harden those views and threaten Mr Netanyahu’s majority of four in the Knesset. If other politicians are harbouring private doubts, they too might now feel forced to speak out.

Neither side is backing down. The national demonstrations are growing in size, almost by the day now, and Mr Netanyahu has said he will continue to drive through reforms at the pace before the Passover recess.

Right now, it’s hard to see any good solution to Israel’s crisis.