Ether’s (

Ether’s deflationary mechanism is in full force

On November 10, 2021, the price of Ether was $4,869, a record high for the cryptocurrency. However, a great deal has changed since then, including the burning of 3,016,607 ETH via Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1559. This equates to an additional $5.4 billion in capitalization that would have otherwise been created, thereby adding to the supply side and restraining price appreciation.

Currently, market leader Bitcoin (BTC) is trading down 59% from its $69,000 all-time high. That does not necessarily mean Ether should reduce the gap versus Bitcoin, but it shows how discounted ETH currently stands at $1,780. The deflationary standard paves the way for Ether’s perception as a scarce digital asset, which is particularly promising during inflationary periods in the global economy.