Elon Musk said Wednesday that he changed his name to Mr. Tweet on Twitter and now the platform wont let him change it back.

What Happened: The Twitter and Tesla CEO tweeted, Changed my name to Mr. Tweet, now Twitter wont let me change it back.

Im sorry theres no recording of this it was prohibited but basically Musk replied Mr. Tweet? The whole courtroom laughed. And then Musk said: actually pretty accurate

Going by memory here, not for the history books Patrick McGee (@PatrickMcGee_) January 26, 2023

Financial Times San Francisco correspondent Patrick McGee said on Twitter that the lawyer for investors suing Musk accidentally called Musk Mr. Tweet while grilling him.

Dogecoin DOGE/USD co-creator Billy Markusjokingly replied to Musk: "you should complain to elon musk about it.

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Why It Matters: Musks name change attracted multiple comments and memes, including a post from a user who asked why the entrepreneurs blue tick wasnt hidden after the change.

As you changed your display name how the blue tick didn’t get hide? Is twitter policy different with you? @TwitterBlue pic.twitter.com/irUSiRU3dv Manish Bothra (@MoneyMystery) January 25, 2023

Elon finding the guy who wont let him change his name pic.twitter.com/52WhxHM89o alexjm the blue roo (@alexjmingolla) January 25, 2023

pic.twitter.com/SQUuPpyM9O DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) January 26, 2023

Earlier in November, a rapper, Doja Cat, changed her user name to Christmas and found out she couldnt change it back.

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