JAKARTA – Indonesia is dangling long-term lease concessions in the prime central district in Jakarta where ministries and government agencies are located to private investors as a sweetener if they participate in developing Nusantara city, the future administrative capital of Indonesia.

A recent Jakarta governor regulation revoked a 2014 law that banned the private sector from using government buildings and land in such lucrative zones, according to two people who know of the plan to issue the concessions.

President Joko Widodo has been struggling to court the private sector, including foreign investors, to participate in the 466 trillion rupiah (S$40 billion) administrative capital project, of which only 20 per cent will be funded by the government. The capital will be located in East Kalimantans Penajam Paser Utara, about 2,000km from Jakarta.

The lease concession has been hailed by Indonesian property developers. Mr Paulus Totok Lusida, Real Estate Indonesia chairman, said the concession offer will attract investors as the central district areas are very strategic, adjacent to the presidential palace, with nice views and greenery. Real Estate Indonesia

Jakarta will remain crowded andgood for business. Everywhere else when a country moved its administrative capital, theoriginalcapital citygot even more crowded because it became a purely trade and metropolitan city. Look at Kuala Lumpur, which today has more crowds and jams, Mr Totok told The Straits Times.

But he pointed out that there has been an oversupply of Jakartas office space since many years, and the pandemic which saw many employees working from home has further dented demand. He forecast the oversupply will last for at least two years.

Mr Totok said the concession offered will be on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) arrangement, where investors may develop or renovate existing buildings and operate them for 20 to 30 years before returning them back to the government if no extension is requested. Foreign investors are allowed to engage in the BOT agreement as long as they have a locally incorporated company, he added.

When contacted by ST, Ms Merry Morfosa, head of the Jakarta administration department in charge of spatial planning, declined to give details on possible concession terms, saying they for the national government to decide.

But she stressed: There is no regulation now that would block transferring of state land for private use.

In early 2022, the government claimed that United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were interested in investing in Nusantara, although no contract was signed. Tokyo-based SoftBank had pledged interest but later backed out. The government said it could not meet the banks terms.

On Monday, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Malaysia will take a positive approach and seek ways so that the development in Nusantara would also benefit Malaysia, especially Sabah and Sarawak which are nearer to the proposed capital.

Eleven letters of interest by Malaysian companies operating in sectors including electronics, health, sewage treatment, construction and property were signed.

Mr Widodo, who has 1 years left to his second term as president, announced the plan to build a new administrative capital in the middle of a vast Kalimantan rainforest following the 2019 presidential poll, after his then rival Prabowo Subianto unilaterally claimed victory.

Observers noted that announcing a long-term plan such as building a new capital was an elegant way of an incumbent president then to assert victory as it conveyed a message that he would still be around to carry out such a long-term plan. More On This Topic Ambitious plans to build Indonesia brand new capital city are falling apart Will China invest in Indonesia's new capital Nusantara?